You can use these descriptions for your own information, or order
the jewelry from the Order Form. Each piece will come on a lovely card containing these descriptions Price and size details are at the bottom
of this page.
Celtic Knot
This ancient symbol of Unity has its roots in the very beginnings of human society. The three arcs of the symbol represent the indivisibility of body mind and spirit and the unity of the mundane and the divine, of humankind and God. Use this symbol to remind yourself that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience and will always be safe, powerful and worthy of love. |
The Cross
One of the most ancient of symbols, the Cross represents the quartering
of the universe into active and passive principles. We can use this symbol
to remind us of the need to heal ourselves and the Earth. |
The Pentagram
A symbol of humanity's place in the universe, the Pentagram lends protection
against the vagaries of the world, unmatched among talismans. All is safe
within the Pentagram. It reminds us that we too are an expression of the
Mind of God and, as such, are divine. |
The Snowflake
We all know that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. It is a symbol
of uniqueness we all relate to. By accepting and relishing our individuality,
we honor creation in all its myriad forms. By allowing a more free expression
of ourselves, we allow a degree of happiness beyond the norm. |
Long acknowledged to have mystical qualities, the Hummingbird displays
grace and ferocity in equal measure. It is said to embody the consciousness
of Tyrannosaurus Rex. As such, it shows us a mixture of attributes from
direct action, brutal honesty and honest brutality tempered with fragility
and beauty. |
The Runic character for wealth, the Gilch can be a powerful amulet
for bringing abundance of all kinds into our lives. The use of such an
amulet carries the burden of responsibility though and should be used with
clear motives. Wealth must not be amassed at the expense of other people.
The well known Buddhist chant is composed of three parts: A the Creator,
U the Preserver, and M the Destroyer. It stimulates all the body's centers
moving upwards in turn, finally opening the Crown to the Cosmos. |
Treble Clef
As the most recognizable symbol of music, the Treble Clef represents
beauty, harmony, vitality and joy. It reminds us that the order in our
universe is a source of great pleasure and that living in harmony with
this plan brings a peace unparalleled. |
Yin and Yang
Adopted from the Oriental icon, we know these principles to describe male
and female attributes and expression; active and passive principles. Their
ever changing natures remind us that we too must change and flow to grow.
We must come to encompass both to become whole. |
The Ankh
This ancient Egyptian symbol places humanity solidly in the universe
as an expression of the divine creation. As a symbol of Life itself, it
reminds us that the spark of the Creator is within us all. By accepting
and expressing our divinity, we lift the spirit of all humankind. |
Peace Sign
Strong emotions are a binding force. To hate war and strife holds these
to our hearts and our lives. Better we learn to Love Peace and Harmony
and thus bind these to ourselves. When we shout to the world our love of
Peace, we create this reality in our lives and, in effect, change our corner
of creation. |
Solomon's Seal
This ancient and recognizable symbol of the unity of Heaven and Earth
is well planted in our psyches. It has the power to bring integration into
our lives by reminding us that what we see in the physical world is but
a metaphor for the reality of the Soul; the trinity of spirit, mind and
body united and blended. |
When two people blend their energies to form a third entity, a relationship,
the form taken energetically is the classic heart shape. Our physical hearts
mirror this shape in a vague way. When we open our lives to the energy
of love, we accept more people into our hearts and spread this new life
form in the world. |
An Eastern talisman for wealth and increase, Fish are supposed to drive
away evil creatures and protect us from bad dreams. Often used in connection
with Christian symbology, Fishes can also be a metaphor for the part of
us that navigates the oceans of feeling which power our lives and feed
our souls. |
Adopted by Ulysses as his personal charm to commemorate the saving
of Telemachus by a dolphin. As a symbol of the grace and compassion of
the sea, dolphins represent the love, diligence and swiftness of change
which the mysteries of the sea inspire in us. |
This mythical creature holds a special place in our legends and in
our hearts. He is the vehicle for the saving grace of a benign Creator.
He delivers us from evil both inner and outer. As a talisman, he offers
the power and wisdom to ply a straighter course to our destiny, free from
the fears and temptations of life. |
Adopting this talisman can inspire us to enlarge our identities to
encompass an infinite universe. As we contemplate the vastness of creation,
we can embody more of the Divine Will which commands All That Is. |
As a symbol of peace throughout history, this talisman can help us
to bring this essential attribute to the fore within our lives. As we grow
in the calm of inner peace, our inner light shines more strongly for all
to see, bringing about a better world for all. |
This symbol of stability in rough seas can help us to recognize the
point of balance within ourselves. With this knowledge comes the security
to face who we really are and become the Spark of the Divine we are meant
to be. |
These most loyal of beasts have long been friend to humankind. They
inspire our urge to give and receive loyalty and affection without question
or fear. Holding this sense of trust dear to our hearts will make it grow
to fill our lives enriching us all. |
come as Earrings, Rings or Pendants (on leather cord) for $25.95 (CDN) add $10 for Sterling Chain, Bracelets for $40.00 CDN. Any of these pieces can be set with 8X6mm semi-precious gemstones for an additional $10.00
Each talisman comes on a card describing the meaning of the symbol and the significance of talismans.
Size is approximately as pictured - about 1.5 inch (3.25 cm) for pendants,
slightly smaller and lighter in weight for earrings.
Rings sit about 3/8 -1/2 inch along your finger and (of course) whatever size you require.
Bracelets will be about 1.5 inch wide at their midpoint. Please let us know if you need small, medium or large sizes.
Remember our guarantee and let us know if you are unsatisfied in any way. We will gladly make the piece again with your feedback.
If you don't see your favourite symbol here, we can
take custom orders. |