Flight of the Eagle Jewellery Arts


Your Name Production Pieces One of a Kind Wedding Sets More one of a kind Watch bands Zodiac symbols Links of Interest Jewellery Arts Home

Our Favorite Production Pieces

These are the items we always have in stock for our own displays. They are consistently well received and have been the cornerstones of our business. We are sure you will love them too! We guarantee you will, in fact. If you have any problem with any of our work we will repair or replace it free of charge for as long as we live.

If you find something you like, just email us at info@flightoftheeagle.ca and let us know.

Our Design Dangles
These light and lovely
dangle earrings are
a great fashion accessory
and such a great price.
1 inch to 1.5 inches long
Only $18pr. Cdn in Sterling
These earrings are approximately 1 1/2 - 2 inches (3.5-5cm) in height and 1 - 2 inches (2.5-5) in width.
2.Celtic Knots
3.Side Swirls
5.Double Hoops
6.Little Fishes
8.Treble Clef
swirls celtic knot sideswirls snow double hoops little fishes circularity treble clef

treble clef celtic knot blue jay peace symbol clover man in the moon little fishes dragonfly geese apple Large Post Earrings
Between 1 cm. & 1.5cm they are light and wearable and kinda beautiful
Just $22 per pair Cdn in Sterling
1.Trable Clef
2.Celtic Knot
3.Blue Jays
4.Peace Symbols
5.Four Leaf Clover
6.Man in the Moon
7.Little Fishes
9.Canada Geese
Light Design Rings
A great gift! These light rings are
a great hit with young and old.
Only $18 Cdn in Sterling
design rings
knots chevron wave double knot peace swirls Light Fancy Rings
Just a little more for just a little more.
Only $22.00 Cdn in Sterling
4.Double knot

double loop double celtic double spiral double swirls double curls swirls wide band double S Deluxe Fancy Rings
Lots of visual impact and durability.
Only $32.00 Cdn in Sterling
1.Double loops
2.double Celtic
3.Double Spiral
4.Double Swirl
5.Double Curl
6.Heavy Double Knot
7. 10mm Wide Band
8.Double S

Fancy Dangles
These earrings are show stoppers!
1.5 to 2 inches (3.5-5cm) long, these eye-catchers are
easy on the pocketbook too.
Only $30.00 Cdn in Sterling
4swirl dangle
superswirl dangle 5 dangle dangle fiddlehead hoops dancing couple dangle quadruple hoops snowflake dangle moon and star dangle
1.Four swirlys
3.Super Dangle
6.Four Loops

Clasping Cuff Bracelets
Sturdy yet light, these bracelets are
easy to wear and easy to buy.
Only $50.00 Cdn. in Sterling Silver

barrettebarrette German Silver and Bronze Barrettes>
A genuine innovation in fashion hair pieces.
These barrettes are so durable and fit
so snuggly they will hold hair of any thickness.
Used flat to hold the hair back or
curled to hold a bun
Only $40 Cdn

Genuine Stone Set Jewellery
These are our favorite production pieces showcasing stones from all over the world and priced as low as $42 each.
stone set ring) Amethyst Pendant Set)

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Flight of the Eagle
P.O. Box 63, Station A
Fredericton NB Canada E3B 4Y2
506 444-1752

Copyright © Flight of the Eagle 2002
Website created by Timothy Finley and
HolmPage Productions
Page Last Modified February 28, 2025