This is my chance to share with you one of my avocations that mean the most to me. When I was 15 (Oh so long ago!) I had a drug induced experience which set me on a mission to discover what reality is. It was obvious to me that there was more than meets the eye. This mission as it were, affected most of my choices in life right up to the present day. I studied and asked questions and meditated and for more than fifty years I tried to turn over every rock to peer at what might lay beneath the surface of everyday awareness. I studied philosophy and science and psychology. I read voraciously, took classes, joined meditation groups and questioned everything. I made life decisions that interwove with what I was learning and tried to be kind and gentle and loving as I went along.In the late 90's I started writing down my experiences, visions and most interesting ideas about what made things tick. I tried on new and sometimes wildly different personnas as I strained to evolve. What came about from the efforts was this program in writing that began to lead me toward the answers I was always after. The four books offered below turned out to be a course of study to lead me to the state of being I truly desired. I hold no illusions that the answers to my questioning are right for you. I simply share what has worked for me and if it helps you that is truly wonderful. I will say that my most dear life goals have become more than just fantasies. They are the realities of my daily life. I am still a little high from completing the last book. I will not project too much of that on this page but I do hope someone encounhters this work and leaps into infinity themselves. What I will now share through the pages that follow will be today's explorations in amongst the materials from the past that brought me to the present understandings. They will be clearly (I hope) marked as I go along and I will try my best to make them coherent and personal rather than scholarly or overly succinct/terse. I will not re-edit the older works even though my viewpoint today is somewhat different. I no longer seek the melodrama of New Age phenomena like channeling, having visions and psychic encounters. Integrating the direct experience of infinity happens in the quiet semi-dark of the psyche, needing no fireworks or justifications. If it were not so immense, it would be dull. So enjoy! Feel free to engage if you wish. Argue, disagree, describe your own experiences or ignore. I have some writing to do... Remember as you follow your own spirit trail that the creations of imagination have validity and consistency for you no matter how strange or disjointed they may seem. Everything that our imaginations may conjure has a place in an infinite universe. By following the urging of our hearts, we will surely make our way to the experience of joy. Be a brother and a friend to me. Let every step that I take Leave the footprints of a Warrior Along the Spirit Trail."
from Flight of the Eagle Publications Doorways to the Soul By Timothy N Finley
This experiential guide to a vast new way of looking at life and our place in it will lead you to the power of your spiritual self. Available in E-Pub format and Paperback at Amazon Click Here Life is Nothing Personal: The View From the Soul by Timothy N Finley
One of the most practical books ever!
Learn to Create Your Own Reality
Spirit has No Gender Living Your Soul's Desire in the Human World by Timothy N Finley
Learn to Live Your Soul's Desire in the Human World
Sailing Into Oneness By Timothy N Finley
A Journey of SELF Awareness Available in E-Pub format and Paperback at Amazon: Click Here
I invite you to contact me through e-mail to share, pose questions, or request companionship on your own Journey.
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